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           Do you have questions? suggestions? You want to see other terms in the glossary? You have a definition to propose? An idea to improve the site? something else?

          Due to too much spam the contact link has been deleted. Sorrry...


          A few informations about this site: (use the glossary as needed)

  • As far as the content of the site is concerned the purpose is to introduce people to computer science, not to be a technical reference. Explanations have sometimes been simplified in order to give a clear concept of the way computers work. Of course if you notice something is false let me know. But with simple concepts and a basic understanding people will then benefit a deeper study of technical details. It's useless to overwhelm them with loads of terms which will be defined later or to start to explain all the particular instances where what will be said won't apply. It only confuses the person. And frankly there are many such sites and books. In reaction to this I decided to present in a clear way a subject which can be rather complex. It's a challenge I wished to take as it seemed it would respond to a need: the need to understand.
  • I conceived it with a particular attention to make it available to as many browsers types and parameters as possible. So far I have tested a limited amount of them (Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Opera), however I have put the entirety of my site (every single page of it) to the international standards of the W3C (the consortium of the 3 Ws, World Wide Web). You just have to click on the W3C logo at the bottom left of the page to see that it is still to those standards. Those are there to ensure a compatibility of Web pages with any system. According to Internet 99% of Web sites are not to these standards. If there was a problem, feel free to communicate and let me know your type of browser as well as the version number if possible. On the other hand it is so easy to install a modern browser that I would invite you to do so if yours was old.
              Here are a few links to download 2 amon gst the most popular browsers:
    Internet Explorer 6
    Netscape 7
  • I am not at all a hacker and I don't use cookies. There is an automatic detection of your browser that occurs between your browser and your computer. It's a bit as if there was a mirror showing them their characteristics and you may be automatically redirected accordingly to a page that is more suitable to your browser. Maybe there is a way for me to get access to these parameters but frankly I couldn't care less. You are the one getting access to my site. It's not me getting access to your computer.
  • I'm not using advertisements nor banners I don't have any contract (yet) about that. If there would be some that are annoying you they must have been put there unbeknownst to me. Thanks for informing me in that case.
    However links to other sites have been created only for informational purpose and not for advertisement and they have nothing to do with the ads pollution that is raging over the net.
  • Making this site accessible to the greatest number of browsers with or without javascript enabled and further allowing the users to choose between versions with or without frames plus doing all this in 2 languages was sometimes quite a bit of a chinese puzzle. That is another challenge I took pleasure to tackle for my first site.


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Copyright 2003-2004 Jacques Lederer